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4. The Portage scripts and utilities

4.1. Public scripts

These are scripts used by the system-administrator to install and remove packages, and maintain the package database.

ebuild is the main engine of the Portage system; it performs all major tasks such as unpacking, compiling, installing, merging, and unmerging packages. It is called using the command: ebuild path/to/package.ebuild command. The commands available are:

Command Description Related ebuild Function
setup* Performs any miscellaneous commands required before the ebuild can proceed pkg_setup
depend Displays the dependencies required to build the package N/A
merge * Unpacks, compiles, installs, and merges the package into your file system N/A
qmerge* Merges the package into your file system, assuming that the unpack, compile, and install stages have already been executed N/A
unpack* Unpacks the source tarballs into the work directory src_unpack
compile * Compiles the package src_compile
rpm Creates an RPM from the package N/A
package Creates a Gentoo tbz2 package N/A
prerm * Executes the pre-removal stage of the package pkg_prerm
postrm * Executes the post-removal stage of the package pkg_postrm
preinst * Executes the pre-installation stage of the package pkg_preinst
postinst * Executes the post-installation stage of the package pkg_postinst
config Sets up a default configuration once the package is merged pkg_config
touch * Updates the mtimes for each source archive in the package N/A
clean * Cleans the work directory for the package N/A
fetch * Fetches the package source tarballs N/A
digest * Creates a digest file for the package N/A
test * Runs the self-test routine for the package src_test
install* Installs the package into the image directory src_install
unmerge Unmerges the package from your file system N/A


Commands with an asterisk (*) are normally only used by the developer.

emerge recursively merges a package and all of its dependencies into your file system. This command has many options, try emerge --help for a list of them.

env-update updates the configuration files (including, but not limited to /etc/ld.so.conf and /etc/profile.env) to include changes made by installed packages.

4.2. Private Scripts and Commands

These are scripts you can use in your ebuild files to perform common tasks.

For you down and dirty people, look at the scripts themselves in /usr/lib/portage/bin.

Command Default Value Description Example
diropts -m0755 Sets the options used when running dodir diropts -m0750
dobin N/A Installs the specified binaries into DESTTREE/bin dobin wmacpi
docinto "" Sets the relative subdir used by dodoc docinto examples
dodir N/A Creates a directory, handling ${D} transparently dodir /usr/lib/newpackage
dodoc N/A Installs the specified files into the package's documentation directory (/usr/share/doc/${PF}/DOCDESTTREE) (see docinto) dodoc README *.txt
doexe N/A Installs the specified files with mode EXEOPTIONS (see exeopts) into PATH defined by EXEINTO (see exeinto). doexe ${FILESDIR}/quake3
dohard N/A Creates a hard link, handling ${D} transparently dohard ls /bin/dir
dohtml N/A Installs the specified files and directories into /usr/share/doc/${PF}/html dohtml -r doc/html/*
doinfo N/A Installs the specified files into /usr/share/info, then compresses them with gzip doinfo doc/*.info
doins N/A Installs the specified files with mode INSOPTIONS (see insopts) into INSDESTTREE (see insinto) doins *.png icon.xpm
dolib N/A Installs the specified libraries into DESTTREE/lib with mode 0644 dolib *.a *.so
dolib.a N/A Installs the specified libraries into DESTTREE/lib with mode 0644 dolib.a *.a
dolib.so N/A Installs the specified libraries into DESTTREE/lib with mode 0755 dolib.so *.so
doman N/A Installs the specified files into /usr/share/man/manX, according to the suffix of the file (file.1 will go into man1) doman *.1 *.5
dosbin N/A Installs the files into DESTTREE/sbin, making sure they are executable dosbin ksymoops
dosym N/A Creates a symlink, handles ${D} transparently dosym gzip /bin/zcat
emake N/A Runs make with MAKEOPTS. Some packages cannot be made in parallel; use emake -j1 instead. If you need to pass any extra arguments to make, simply append them onto the emake command. Users can set the EXTRA_EMAKE environment variable to pass extra flags to emake. emake
exeinto / Sets the root (EXEDESTTREE) for the doexe command exeinto /usr/lib/${PN}
exeopts -m0755 Sets the options used when running doexe exeopts -m1770
fowners N/A Applies the specified ownership to the specified file via the chown command, handles ${D} transparently fowners root:root /sbin/functions.sh
fperms N/A Applies the specified permissions to the specified file via the chmod command, handles ${D} transparently fperms 700 /var/consoles
insinto /usr Sets the root (INSDESTTREE) for the doins command insinto /usr/include
insopts -m0644 Sets the options used when running doins insopts -m0444
into /usr Sets the target prefix (DESTTREE) for all the 'do' commands (like dobin, dolib, dolib.a, dolib.so, domo, dosbin) into /
libopts -m0644 Sets the options used when running dolib libopts -m0555
newbin N/A Wrapper around dobin which installs the specified binary transparently renaming to the second argument newbin ${FILESDIR}/vmware.sh vmware
newdoc N/A Wrapper around dodoc which installs the specified file transparently renaming to the second argument newdoc README README.opengl
newexe N/A Wrapper around doexe which installs the specified file transparently renaming to the second argument newexe ${FILESDIR}/xinetd.rc xinetd
newins N/A Wrapper around doins which installs the specified file transparently renaming to the second argument newins ntp.conf.example ntp.conf
newman N/A Wrapper around doman which installs the specified file transparently renaming to the second argument newman xboing.man xboing.6
newsbin N/A Wrapper around dosbin which installs the specified file transparently renaming to the second argument newsbin strings strings-static
prepall N/A Runs prepallman, prepallinfo and prepallstrip. Also ensures all libraries in /opt/*/lib, /lib, /usr/lib and /usr/X11R6/lib are executable; also moves any stray aclocal macros into /usr/share/aclocal prepall
prepalldocs N/A Recursively gzips all doc files in /usr/share/doc, transparently fixing up any symlink paths prepalldocs
prepallinfo N/A Recursively gzips all info files in /usr/share/info prepallinfo
prepallman N/A Recursively gzips all man pages in /opt/*/man/*, /usr/share/man/*, /usr/local/man/*, /usr/X11R6/share/man/* and transparently fixes up any symlink paths prepallman

Пред.: File system LocationsВ началоУровень выше: Ebuild HOWTO (Англ.)След.: Package Dependencies
В началоEbuild HOWTO (Англ.) → The Portage scripts and utilities