В началоHardware 3D Acceleration Guide (Англ.) → Test 3D acceleration
Gentoo-doc HOME Пред.: Install X11-DRM and configure direct renderingВ началоУровень выше: Hardware 3D Acceleration Guide (Англ.)След.: Using the CVS sources

4. Test 3D acceleration

4.1. Reboot to the new kernel

Reboot your computer to your new kernel and login as a normal user. It's time to see if you have direct rendering and how good it is.

Code Listing 4.1: Testing rendering

$ startx

(No need to load modules for your driver or agpgart, even if you compiled them as a module.)

(They will be loaded automatically.)

$ glxinfo | grep rendering

direct rendering: Yes

(If it says "No", you don't have 3D acceleration.)

$ glxgears

(Test your frames per second (FPS) at the default size. The number should be )

(significantly higher than before installing x11-drm. Do this while the CPU is as idle as possible.)

Пред.: Install X11-DRM and configure direct renderingВ началоУровень выше: Hardware 3D Acceleration Guide (Англ.)След.: Using the CVS sources
В началоHardware 3D Acceleration Guide (Англ.) → Test 3D acceleration