В началоHardware 3D Acceleration Guide (Англ.) → Install X11-DRM and configure direct rendering
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3. Install X11-DRM and configure direct rendering

3.1. Install X11-DRM

Code Listing 3.1: Installing X11-DRM

# emerge x11-drm

3.2. Configure Xorg.conf

Some chipsets require you to rebuild xorg-x11 with USE="insecure-drivers". This applies to mach64, unichrome and savage chipsets on xorg-x11-6.8.2, and to mach64 and unichrome on xorg-x11-6.8.99.x. Savage users should not try xorg-x11-6.8.99.x as support for the savage there is broken.

Code Listing 3.2: Rebuilding xorg-x11

(Add the insecure-drivers USE flag if you use one of the aforementioned chipsets)

# echo "x11-base/xorg-x11 insecure-drivers" >> /etc/portage/package.use

# emerge xorg-x11

Open /etc/X11/xorg.conf with your favorite text editor and edit it to enable DRI and GLX.

Code Listing 3.3: xorg.conf


Section "Module"

  Load "dri"

  Load "glx"




Section "Device"

  Driver "radeon"




Section "dri"

  Mode 0666


If you are using a different driver, replace "radeon" with yours.

3.3. Changes to modules.autoload.d

You will need to add the module name that your card uses to /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6 to ensure that the module is loaded automatically when the system starts up.

Code Listing 3.4: Editing /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6

(Change module name as required.)


Note: If you compiled agpgart as a module, you will also need to add it to /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6.

Пред.: Install Xorg and configure your kernelВ началоУровень выше: Hardware 3D Acceleration Guide (Англ.)След.: Test 3D acceleration
В началоHardware 3D Acceleration Guide (Англ.) → Install X11-DRM and configure direct rendering