В начало → Примеры конфигурационных файлов → 3. Файл xorg.conf для ATI radeon: |
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "X.org Configured"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice "Synaptics" "CorePointer"
InputDevice "Mouse" "SendCoreEvents"
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
Option "OffTime" "3" # 3 indicates number of min until monitor-off
Section "ServerFlags"
Option "AllowMouseOpenFail"
Section "dri"
# Access to OpenGL ICD is allowed for all users:
# Mode 0666
# Access to OpenGL ICD is restricted to a specific user group:
Group 27 # video
Mode 0660
Section "Files"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/misc:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/Type1/"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/TTF/"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/corefonts"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/freefonts"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/sharefonts"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/terminus"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/ttf-bitstream-vera"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/unifont"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/artwiz"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/cyrillic"
Section "Module"
Load "glx"
# This loads the miscellaneous extensions module, and disables
# initialisation of the XFree86-DGA extension within that module.
SubSection "extmod"
Option "omit xfree86-dga" # don't initialise the DGA extension
Load "dbe"
Load "dri"
Load "xtrap"
Load "record"
Load "freetype"
Load "type1"
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard0"
Driver "kbd"
Option "XkbModel" "aspire5020"
Option "XkbLayout" "se"
#Option "XkbVariant" "nodeadkeys"
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Synaptics"
Driver "synaptics"
Option "Device" "/dev/psaux"
Option "Protocol" "auto-dev"
Option "LeftEdge" "1700"
Option "RightEdge" "5300"
Option "TopEdge" "1700"
Option "BottomEdge" "4200"
Option "FingerLow" "25"
Option "FingerHigh" "30"
Option "MaxTapTime" "180"
Option "MaxTapMove" "220"
Option "VertScrollDelta" "100"
Option "MinSpeed" "0.09"
Option "MaxSpeed" "0.18"
Option "AccelFactor" "0.0015"
Option "SHMConfig" "on"
# # Option "Repeater" "/dev/ps2mouse"
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Mouse"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "Protocol" "imps/2"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
Option "Buttons" "5"
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Monitor0"
VendorName "LPL"
ModelName "0"
Option "DPMS"
# === ATI device section ===
Section "Device"
Identifier "Card0"
Driver "fglrx"
VendorName "ATI Technologies Inc"
BoardName "ATI Mobility X600"
# ### generic DRI settings ###
# === disable PnP Monitor ===
#Option "NoDDC"
# === disable/enable XAA/DRI ===
Option "no_accel" "no"
Option "no_dri" "no"
# === misc DRI settings ===
Option "mtrr" "off" # disable DRI mtrr mapper, driver has its own code for mtrr
# ### FireGL DDX driver module specific settings ###
# === Screen Management ===
Option "DesktopSetup" "0x00000100"
Option "MonitorLayout" "NONE,LVDS"
Option "IgnoreEDID" "off"
Option "HSync2" "unspecified"
Option "VRefresh2" "unspecified"
Option "ScreenOverlap" "0"
# === TV-out Management ===
Option "NoTV" "yes"
Option "TVStandard" "NTSC-M"
Option "TVHSizeAdj" "0"
Option "TVVSizeAdj" "0"
Option "TVHPosAdj" "0"
Option "TVVPosAdj" "0"
Option "TVHStartAdj" "0"
Option "TVColorAdj" "0"
Option "GammaCorrectionI" "0x00000000"
Option "GammaCorrectionII" "0x00000000"
# === OpenGL specific profiles/settings ===
Option "Capabilities" "0x00000000"
# === Video Overlay for the Xv extension ===
Option "VideoOverlay" "on"
# === OpenGL Overlay ===
# Note: When OpenGL Overlay is enabled, Video Overlay
# will be disabled automatically
Option "OpenGLOverlay" "off"
# === Center Mode (Laptops only) ===
Option "CenterMode" "off"
# === Pseudo Color Visuals (8-bit visuals) ===
Option "PseudoColorVisuals" "off"
# === QBS Management ===
Option "Stereo" "off"
Option "StereoSyncEnable" "1"
# === FSAA Management ===
Option "FSAAEnable" "no"
Option "FSAAScale" "1"
Option "FSAADisableGamma" "no"
Option "FSAACustomizeMSPos" "no"
Option "FSAAMSPosX0" "0.000000"
Option "FSAAMSPosY0" "0.000000"
Option "FSAAMSPosX1" "0.000000"
Option "FSAAMSPosY1" "0.000000"
Option "FSAAMSPosX2" "0.000000"
Option "FSAAMSPosY2" "0.000000"
Option "FSAAMSPosX3" "0.000000"
Option "FSAAMSPosY3" "0.000000"
Option "FSAAMSPosX4" "0.000000"
Option "FSAAMSPosY4" "0.000000"
Option "FSAAMSPosX5" "0.000000"
Option "FSAAMSPosY5" "0.000000"
# === Misc Options ===
Option "UseFastTLS" "0"
Option "BlockSignalsOnLock" "on"
Option "UseInternalAGPGART" "no"
Option "ForceGenericCPU" "no"
Option "DynamicClocks" "on" # Use ATI Powerplay features
BusID "PCI:1:0:0" # vendor=1002, device=3150
Screen 0
#Section "Device"
### Available Driver options are:-
### Values: <i>: integer, <f>: float, <bool>: "True"/"False",
### <string>: "String", <freq>: "<f> Hz/kHz/MHz"
### [arg]: arg optional
#Option "NoAccel" # [<bool>]
#Option "SWcursor" # [<bool>]
#Option "Dac6Bit" # [<bool>]
#Option "Dac8Bit" # [<bool>]
#Option "BusType" # [<str>]
#Option "CPPIOMode" # [<bool>]
#Option "CPusecTimeout" # <i>
#Option "AGPMode" # <i>
#Option "AGPFastWrite" # [<bool>]
#Option "AGPSize" # <i>
#Option "GARTSize" # <i>
#Option "RingSize" # <i>
#Option "BufferSize" # <i>
#Option "EnableDepthMoves" # [<bool>]
#Option "EnablePageFlip" # [<bool>]
#Option "NoBackBuffer" # [<bool>]
#Option "DRIReinit" # [<bool>]
#Option "PanelOff" # [<bool>]
#Option "DDCMode" # [<bool>]
#Option "MonitorLayout" # [<str>]
#Option "IgnoreEDID" # [<bool>]
#Option "UseFBDev" # [<bool>]
#Option "VideoKey" # <i>
#Option "MergedFB" # [<bool>]
#Option "CRT2HSync" # [<str>]
#Option "CRT2VRefresh" # [<str>]
#Option "CRT2Position" # [<str>]
#Option "MetaModes" # [<str>]
#Option "MergedDPI" # [<str>]
#Option "NoMergedXinerama" # [<bool>]
#Option "MergedXineramaCRT2IsScreen0" # [<bool>]
#Option "DisplayPriority" # [<str>]
#Option "PanelSize" # [<str>]
#Option "ForceMinDotClock" # <freq>
#Option "RenderAccel" # [<bool>]
#Option "SubPixelOrder" # [<str>]
#Option "ShowCache" # [<bool>]
#Option "DynamicClocks" # [<bool>]
#Option "VGAAccess" # [<bool>]
#Option "LVDSProbePLL" # [<bool>]
#Option "ReverseDDC" # [<bool>]
#Option "BIOSHotkeys" # [<bool>]
# Identifier "Card0"
# Driver "ati"
# VendorName "ATI Technologies Inc"
# BoardName "ATI Mobility X600"
# BusID "PCI:1:0:0"
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Card0"
Monitor "Monitor0"
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 16
# Modes "1280x800"
SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 24
# Modes "1280x800"
В начало → Примеры конфигурационных файлов → 3. Файл xorg.conf для ATI radeon: |