В началоGentoo LDAP-DNS Guide  (Англ.) → Configuring OpenLDAP
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3. Configuring OpenLDAP

Now we need to configure OpenLDAP with the DNS schema. Open up /etc/openldap/sldap.conf with your favorite editor and make sure the following three lines are listed:

Листинг 8. Editing /etc/openldap/slapd.conf

include         /etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
include         /etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
include         /etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema

Bootstrap LDAP with the base dn you defined previously with ldapdns-conf. To accomplish this, we first create a file called bootstrap.ldif (it is just a name) which we fill up with DNS information.

As an example, we provide a bootstrap.ldif file for the fictitious domain cherchetoujours.org.

Now bootstrap your LDAP with this information:

Листинг 9. Bootstrapping LDAP

# ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=yourdomain" -W -f bootstrap.ldif

Пред.: Configuring LDAP-DNSВ началоУровень выше: Gentoo LDAP-DNS Guide  (Англ.)След.: Testing the Installation
В началоGentoo LDAP-DNS Guide  (Англ.) → Configuring OpenLDAP