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7. Troubleshooting

7.1. It doesn't work. I just recompiled my kernel or switched to a new one.

Whenever you rebuild your kernel or switch to another kernel, you'll have to rebuild the kernel module. Note that you don't need to remerge xorg-x11, but you will need to remerge x11-drm.

7.2. It doesn't work. I don't have rendering, and I can't tell why.

Try insmod radeon before you start the X server. Also, try building agpgart into the kernel instead of as a module.

7.3. When I startx, I get this error: "[drm] failed to load kernel module agpgart"

That's because you compiled agpgart into the kernel instead of as a module. Ignore it unless you're having problems.

7.4. Direct rendering doesn't work, and in /var/log/Xorg.0.log I have an error about driver version too low.

You aren't using the x11-drm driver. Check if you compiled DRM and the driver into the kernel; you shouldn't have.

7.5. I have a Radeon, and I want TV-Out.

Check out ati-gatos drivers. emerge -s gatos.

7.6. It doesn't work. My card is so incredibly new and cool that it isn't supported at all.

Try out the binary drivers. For ati-drivers, a listing is at http://www.schneider-digital.de/html/download_ati.php. If those don't support it, use fbdev. It's slow, but it works.

7.7. I have a PCI card and it doesn't work. Help!

In section "Device" enable ForcePCIMode.

Листинг 1. Enabling ForcePCIMode

Option "ForcePCIMode" "True"

Пред.: Tweak your performanceВ началоУровень выше: Hardware 3D Acceleration Guide (Англ.)След.: Acknowledgments
В началоHardware 3D Acceleration Guide (Англ.) → Troubleshooting